Scholarship Database
Search for Scholarships
Here you will find select local scholarships along with a few state scholarships and several scholarship search engines. Scholarship listings are updated as information becomes available. Keep in mind that many of our local scholarships do not become available until the second semester, so regularly check the list. Also, most colleges offer unique scholarships so be sure to visit the website of the college that you’ll be attending.
Scholarship Search Engines and Databases
Below are national and local resources where you can browse scholarships that may be of interest to you. Subjects to browse: career field, degree/major, interests (band, agriculture, company/business names, etc.).
The database is best viewed from a desktop.
Please contact Gordon DeWitt at if you have any questions regarding scholarships.
Scholarship Name | Brief description | Due Date | Amount | Website |
AES Engineering Scholarship | Not required to be taking Engineering courses to be eligible. Awarded on the basis of character, as determined by an evaluation of the essays that are submitted and intended for future leaders across a wide spectrum of fields of study. This award is available to high school seniors and all students attending a post secondary educational institution. | 10/08/2025 | $500 | |
American Legion Legacy Scholarship | Provides college funding to children of post-9/11 veterans who died on active duty, or those who have a combined VA disability rating of 50 percent or greater. The scholarship is need-based. | March 26, 2025 | Up to $20,000 | |
Andy Peek Livestock Endowed Scholarship | Graduating high school senior or undergraduate student presently or planning to attend a junior college, state college, or university. Student should be planning to major in Agricultural Studies (priority consideration for those entering the livestock industry). | 12/4/2024 | Varies | |
Asphalt Cowboys Law Enforcement Scholarship | Awarded to a graduating senior enrolled in any high school, public or private, in Shasta County. And also past Shasta County graduates, Local Explorer Cadets and individuals in an ROP Program, intending on, or being already involved in Law Enforcement programs, not otherwise paid for by Law Enforcement entities. Seeking individuals with a record of volunteerism in the Shasta County community in non-school sponsored activities and participation in extracurricular school activities. Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 3.0, plan to attend or are attending a 2 or 4 year college or technical school. | 12/16/2024 | $1,000 | chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/ |
Beverage Industry Scholarship | Applicants must be a California high school graduate or community college transfer student planning to attend a four-year university. Applicants must also have a parent or grandparent employed with a company holding a valid CA beverage alcohol license. | 02/15/2025 | $3,000 - $6,000 | |
Butte College Foundation General Scholarship | Established by the Butte College Foundation, this scholarship is awarded to full time students (12 or more units) who maintain a GPA of 3.2 or higher and are involved in community leadership. | Opens February 1, 2025 | $500 | |
California Association of Winegrape Growers | Only high school graduating seniors with a parent or legal guardian employed by a California winegrape grower during the current or past growing season are eligible to apply. The two 4-year scholarships provide a total of $8,000 each for any campus in the University of California or California State University system. The four 2-year scholarships provide a total of $2,000 each at any California community college. Students may study the subject of their choice. | 02/28/2025 | $2,000 - $8,000 | |
California Licensed Forester Association Scholarship | This $1,500 scholarship is available to individuals who will be attending, full-time, a University or College with a Forestry Program accredited by the Society of American Foresters (SAF) OR a Junior College with transferable credits to an accredited Forestry Program. | 4/30/2025 | $1,500 | |
California Native Plant Society: Shasta Chapter | Applicants must be a student from Shasta College, Lassen College, or College of the Siskiyous transferring to a 4-year college/university or a graduating high school senior beginning at a 4 year college/university. Students going on to studying biological sciences are eligible, with those studying botany given preference. | March 14, 2025 | Up to $2,000 | |
California Transportation Foundation Caltrans District 2 Employee Scholarship | High school seniors or college undergraduate students living in Caltrans District 2 (includes the counties of Lassen, Modoc, Plumas, Shasta, Siskiyou, Tehama, Trinity and portions of Butte and Sierra), who are sponsored by a District 2 Caltrans employee, are eligible to apply. A Caltrans employee can sponsor a student by writing a letter of recommendation. | See website for variety of scholarships and deadlines | Varies | |
Campus Visit Scholarship - Simpson University | Undergraduate students who attend one of Simpson University’s campus visit events prior to the start of the fall 2022 semester will qualify for a $1,000 renewable scholarship. In order to qualify for the Campus Visit Scholarship, a student must register for one of the campus visit events online and must attend all segments of the event. | Contact the University for more information | $1,000 | |
Carlos Vieira Foundation | The Race to End the Stigma Scholarship was created by the Carlos Vieira Foundation to start the conversation about mental health. The $1,000 Race to End the Stigma Scholarship is granted annually to graduating high school seniors who are interested in mental health awareness or who are willing to share their story about mental health in an effort to end the stigma. | March 1, 2025 | $1000 | |
The Christina Madrigal Memorial Scholarship | This scholarship is awarded to a current or past parent of Shasta Head Start who attends or plans to attend a college, university or technical school. | April 11, 2025 | $1000 | |
College Board Opportunity Scholarships | The College Board has launched a new scholarship program with $5 million of scholarships each year, beginning with the class of 2020. This program is open to students regardless of their family income. At least half of all the scholarships (over $2 million) will be designated for students whose families earn less than $60,000 per year. | This website provides a broad list of scholarships. Feel free to look around under the "Pay for College" tab. Scholarships are awarded through monthly drawings. | Up to $40,000 | |
College & Career Options Summer Program Scholarship | Gives assistance to help Modoc, Shasta, Siskiyou, Tehama and Trinity County 9th to 11th graders attend an academic enrichment program offered on a college or university campus during the summer. | Expected to open early 2025 | Varies | |
Digital Responsibility Scholarship - Don't Text and Drive | You must be a high school freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior or a current or entering college or graduate school student of any level. Home schooled students are also eligible. There is no age limit. | September 30, 2025 | $1,000 | |
Don and Debbie Bankson Scholarship | Graduating from a Shasta County High School. Volunteered a minimum of 100 hours within the community during high school. Maintained a cumulative-weighted GPA of 3.5 and will attend a 4 year university or college the semester after graduation. | March 12, 2025 | $1,000 | |
Dr Ron Zufall Scholarship | An interest in pursing a health-care career (dentistry or any other health career choice). Current Anderson Union High School or Shasta High School student. | April 10, 2025 | $750 | |
Elks Lodge Legacy Scholarship | Any child or grandchild (or step-child, step-grandchild, or legal ward) of a living Elk who joined the order on or before April 1, 2016, or a charter member of a Lodge that was instituted on or after April 1, 2018, is eligible to apply. The Elk must also be a paid-up member through March 31, 2021. Great-grandchildren are not eligible. The applicant must be a high school senior. | February 3, 2025 | $4,000 | |
Elks Lodge Most Valuable Student Award | 500 four-year scholarships will be awarded to the highest-rated applicants. Any high school seniors, or the equivalent, who are citizens of the United States are eligible to apply. Applicants need not be related to a member of the Elks. | November 12, 2024 | Up to $50,000 | |
George Grotefend Scholarship | Shasta County high school seniors who have attended all four years of high school at a Shasta County high school and will attend a four year university in California. | March 28, 2025 | Up to $5,000 | |
Gustafson Fritz Scholarship for Women of Trinity & Shasta County | Current female high school seniors or college students may apply. Must be graduating or have graduated from a high school in Trinity or Shasta County. Applicants should be planning to attend a two year or four year college/university, vocational or trade school. | March 12, 2025 | Varies | |
Healthcare Access and Information Scholarship | High school seniors planning to study in human services, addiction studies, psychology, or social work at a California college or university | February 13, 2025 | Up to $35,000 | |
Horatio Alger Association State Scholarships | Applicants must be enrolled full time as a high school junior in the United States. Plus, more requirements on their website. | December 1, 2024 - March 15, 2025 | $10,000 | |
Horatio Alger Association Career and Technical Scholarships | Available to students who have faced and overcome great obstacles in their lives who wish to pursue a career or technical education at an accredited non-profit post-secondary institution in the United States. Must be eligible to receive the Federal Pell grant as determined by completion of the FAFSA. | Opens March 1, 2025 | Up to $2,500 | |
Immigrant Rising - List of Scholarships and Fellowships | This organization curates a list of scholarships and fellowships that don’t require proof of U.S. citizenship for you! The list has general application eligibility requirements, including education level, region/state, and immigration status (e.g. DACA, TPS, in-state tuition eligibility). | This website provides a list of scholarships with varying awards and application deadlines. Review the site for a full list. | $500 - 40,000 | |
Kelly Moravec Academic Encouragement Scholarship | An award opportunity for graduating high school seniors who are dealing with, or have dealt with, a serious medical adversity. Fund was established to honor the overcoming of medical adversities and to encourage continued education beyond high school. | March 12, 2025 | $1,000 | |
Key Club Scholarship | Students must be an active, due paying member of their high school Key Club and be graduating from Foothill, Shasta or Enterprise High. | March 12, 2025 | Unknown | |
McConnell Foundation Scholars Program | Must attend live or attend a high school in Shasta, Siskiyou, Tehama, Trinity, or Modoc County, or attend Hoopa High School and Big Valley High School. If you live in our service area and will transfer from Shasta College or College of the Siskiyous in the coming fall, you may also apply. | February 10, 2025 8am | $30,000 total; may be used over the course of six years. | |
Nor Cal Retired Coaches Association | Must be graduating from a high school in Shasta, Siskiyou, Tehama or Trinity County in 2020-2021. Student must a minimum GPA of 2.75 and have participated in at least two seasons of Varsity-level, CIF sport(s) while in high school (traveling teams not connected to high school do not qualify). The two seasons do not have to be in the same sport. | March 7, 2025 | $1,200 | |
Pacific Gas and Electric Company's Better Together STEM Scholarship | Be a high school senior or graduate; an individual that has earned their GED; a current college undergraduate; or a non-traditional student. Must reside in PG&E's service territory, or be a dependent of a resident in PG&E’s service territory. Must plan to enroll in full‑time at an 4-year college or university in California and major in one of the STEM disciplines. | March 14, 2025 | $2,500-$10,000 | |
Palo Cedro Lions Club | Must be a graduating senior from Foothill, Redding Christian, or home schooled in service area of Palo Cedro, Bella Vista, and Millville. May also apply if graduating from a different high school if applicant resides in service area. | Awaiting information about 2025 scholarship | Minimum value of $500 | |
Portuguese Historical and Cultural Society | Applicants must be a high school senior; be of Portuguese descent; achieve a GPA of 3.5 or better. | March 15, 2025 | $500-3280 | |
Prudence Rose Kennedy Fund's Enterprise High School Award | High school graduating senior from Enterprise High School. Planning to attend community college or a 4 yr university/college. | March 12, 2025 | $1,000 | |
Prudence Rose Kennedy Fund's Mt. Shasta High School Award | High school graduating senior from Mt. Shasta High School. Planning to attend community college or a 4 yr university/college. | March 12, 2025 | $1,000 | |
Prudence Rose Kennedy Fund's Severe Medical Adversity Award | High School senior graduating from one of the following counties OR an undergraduate student with Cystic Fibrosis from one of the following counties: Butte, Glenn, Humboldt, Lassen, Mendocino, Modoc, Plumas, Shasta, Siskiyou, Tehama, and Trinity. Student must be diagnosed with a severe medical condition and plan to attend a trade school, community college or 4 yr university the fall following high school graduation. | March 12, 2025 | $1,000 | |
Reach Higher Scholarship | The Reach Higher Scholarship is an opportunity for students who might not typically consider themselves college material. Our aim is to motivate students EARLY in their high school careers and encourage these students to complete all of the A-G required courses, opening doors to four-year colleges and universities immediately after high school. The Reach Higher Scholarship Fund, offers $250 that may be renewed by the awarded student for a total scholarship of up to $1,000 at the end of four years. This financial support serves as a powerful incentive for students to push their academic boundaries and seize the chance for higher education. If selected, the student will receive their award when they are enrolled at a four-year college or university. Student must be a freshman at a Shasta County High School. | March 12, 2025 | $250 per year | |
Redding Chamber of Commerce Frank J. Strazzarino Memorial Scholarship | Expected to open February 2025 | Unknown | | |
Redding Rancheria Community Education Fund | 2 time periods throughout the year: January 1st-June 30th July 1st-December 31st | $300 | | |
Redding Rancheria Native American Education Scholarship | Eligibility Criteria: | Open | $500 | |
Redding Rancheria Youth Native American High School Education Scholarship | September 3, 2024 | $500 | | |
Redding Rodeo Association | Be a current Sophomore at a Shasta County high school | April 1, 2025 | $1,000 | |
Redding West Rotary Scholarships | Completed their Freshman year at a Shasta County high school | February 26, 2025 | | |
REU's College Scholarship | Successfully completed the A through G (college prep) requirements during their freshman year with grades of C or better in each class | March 12, 2025 | Up to $5,000 | |
REU's Community College/Technical School Grants | REU's Powering Redding's Future Community College and Technical School Grant Program is for students seeking an associate's degree or certificate from a community college or technical school. Applicants' community involvement, essay content, academic achievements, and records, as well as financial needs, will be taken into consideration. | March 12, 2025 | Up to $2,000 | |
Shasta Association of Realtors | Neither parent has a Bachelor’s degree | Expected to open early 2025 | $500 + | |
Shasta Builders Exchange | Plan to ultimately earn a Bachelor’s degree (may start at a community college or a four-year university) | Awaiting information about 2025 window | Varies | |
Shasta County 4-H Council Scholarship | Cattleman / Cattlewoman | Graduating Senior. Enrolled in Shasta County 4-H for at least the past three years: sophomore, junior, and senior years. | March 14, 2025 | Varies | |
Shasta County Farm Bureau | Scholarships are available to Shasta County students, current or previously, who are current Farm Bureau members.The applicant must plan on attending college next year, carrying 12 or more units, and majoring in agriculture. The scholarship is available to both high school seniors and current college students. | Expected to open early 2025 | Up to $1,000 | |
Shasta Head Start Alumni Scholarship | Scholarship is available to a high school senior who attended a Head Start Preschool Program (could be any Head Start)who is continuing their education through community college, university, or vocational school. | April 11, 2025 | $1,000 | |
Shasta Wonderland Elite Athletic Teams | The Shasta Wonderland Elite Athletic Team's sole purpose is to promote running and walking in Shasta County. Any high school senior in Shasta, Trinity, Tehama, Siskiyou, or Lassen counties may apply for the scholarship. Applicants must have participated in Cross Country or Track (running events 800M and longer). | Awaiting information about 2025 window Information is at the bottom of the page on the right hand side | Unknown | |
Sierra Pacific Industries | A scholarship opportunity to new or returning college-bound or trade school-bound dependent children (up to age 26) of its employees. | February 28, 2025 | $500-$5,000 | |
Sons of Italy | Applicant must be wholly or partially of Italian decent and enrolling in an accredited trade school, college, university, or community college the following fall. | March 1, 2025 | $500-$5,000 | |
Soroptimist International of Downtown Redding: Live Your Dreams Award | Applicants must be women who provide the primary source of financial support for their families. Applicants must also be enrolled in, or have been accepted to, a vocational/skills training program or an undergraduate degree program and must demonstrate financial need. | Awaiting information for 2025 window | Varies | |
Soroptimist International of Downtown Redding: Ruby Award | The Soroptimist Ruby Award: For Women Helping Women recognizes and honors the first federation president, Ruby Lee Minar. The award is intended for women who have worked to improve the lives of women and girls through their professional and/or volunteer work. | Awaiting information for 2025 window | Varies | |
Soroptimist International of Downtown Redding: Viki Cubbage "Dream" Award | In honor of long-time member of Soroptimist International of Downtown Redding [SIDR], Viki Cubbage, our club is sponsoring a “Dream” award for a young woman who volunteers in her community or school. This “dream” award will recognize a young woman between the ages of 14 and 18 who volunteers in her community or school. | Awaiting information for 2025 window | $250.00 | |
The Phillip M. Dowd Memorial Scholarship | The Philip M. Dowd Scholarship was established to provide financial assistance for college bound students pursuing a degree in Public Affairs/Administration or Political Science & Government who have endured hardship and/or overcome obstacles to achieve their goals. Applicants must be a graduating high school senior from a high school in Sacramento, Placer, Yolo, Shasta, Yuba, Sutter, Colusa, or Butte Counties | March 14, 2025 | $1,000 - $5,000 | |
Tyson Wacker Memorial Scholarship | Open to all students in the counties of Siskiyou, Shasta, Tehama, Trinity, and Lassen. Must have participated in a high school sport during high school. | Awaiting information about 2025 window | $1000 | |
The Redding Regional Chapter Safari Club | The Redding Regional Chapter of Safari Club International is pleased to offer a $1,000.00 scholarship to a high school senior in the Redding region who enjoys the outdoors and plans to enroll in a 2 or 4-year college in natural resource management or related fields. | April 5, 2025 | $1,000 | |
Top of the State Junior Golf | The mission of the Top of the State Board of Directors is to provide educational scholarships for Shasta & Tehama county high school students who have played golf in high school or junior golf programs, and are planning to pursue degrees at two or four year universities and colleges. | March 12, 2025 | $600-1200 | |
Tri Counties Bank | The Bank has established an endowment through the Community Foundation of the North State to help sustain this important service, and provides additional funding totaling over $100,000 each year for scholarships for college-bound youth (both for Community College and 4-Year Public and Private Institutions). Applicants can apply for an Income Based Scholarship or a Merit Based Scholarship. | March 12, 2025 | $1,000-$1,500 | |
VESTRA | VESTRA Resources, Inc. will be awarding up to $5,000 in scholarships in 2025 for local high school students or continuing college students designed to encourage careers in the fields of math, natural or physical sciences, technologies, and related areas of study. The scholarships are open to Shasta County residents and/or high school graduates attending a Shasta County high school who will be attending an accredited 4-year college or university, students transferring from a 2-year or junior college program to a 4-year accredited college or university, and continuing students at 4-year accredited colleges or universities. | March 31, 2025 | Up to $5000 | |
Young Cancer Survivor Scholarships | A resource page for scholarships for cancer survivors, children of cancer patients etc. | Varies between January and May 2025 | Varies | |
Youth on Course Scholarship | You must be a high school senior, enrolled as a full-time student in an accredited high school with a minimum GPA of 3.0 and be a member of Youth on Course. Scholarships are both need and merit based. You must be accepted for enrollment at a 4-year college/university the same year the scholarship is awarded. | October through January annually | $4,000-$20,000 | |