Originally founded by the Shasta County Office of Education and the North State STEM Career Day Committee volunteers, this regional event encourages North State students to prepare for and pursue career opportunities in STEM fields. This annual “Ignite Opportunity” is a one-day event. This year’s event will be a LIVE virtual conference on Friday January 15, 2021 and will be open to all 9th grade students from Trinity, Tehama, Siskiyou, Shasta, Plumas, Modoc, Lassen, Glenn and Butte counties. Students will benefit from this action packed day of:
- Dynamic, engaging presentations from professionals working in STEM fields in the North State
- Real-world anecdotes and advice about the educational paths to STEM career opportunities in our area and beyond
- Direct access to and interaction with local professionals and college students
- Challenging STEM activities fostering collaboration and engineering practices
- Tools to help them plan and prepare for work, post-secondary education and more!