Local Scholarship Database
Here you will find local scholarships along with a few national scholarships and scholarship search engines. Scholarships are added to the list as soon as the application becomes available. Keep in mind that many of our local scholarships do not become available until the second semester, so regularly check the list. Also, each college offers scholarships so be sure to visit the website of the college that you’ll be attending.
College Options
College OPTIONS’ services across the five counties include community events, financial aid services, scholarships, and advisors in middle and high schools and at their local center in Redding to discuss career and educational goals, helping students and their families make informed choices about the best path for them. Advisors also conduct college readiness workshops and organize visits to colleges and universities. Visit their website to learn about the financial aid process and all the resources available to students in Shasta County.
Financial Aid Links
Understanding Federal Student Aid
CalGrant- Resources to learn more about the CalGrant
- Overview and Eligibility Requirements (web link)
- 2018-2019 Cal Grant Award Amounts (1 page)
- 2019-2020 Cal Grant Programs – Detail (2 pages)
- Eligible and Ineligible Cal Grant Schools (web link)
California Dream Act