Support for Families: Where can I find help for my family's needs so that our children will have good school attendance?
Parenting Resources: I need parenting support in order for our family to make education and attendance top priorities.
County SARB (School Attendance Review Support for Child Care Needs)
Parent Cafe
Hope City Redding
Triple-P Parenting Shasta County
Health & Human Services Resources
Youth Options Shasta County
Strengthening Families Collaborative
*Parents: Contact your school counselor or admin. for more resources.
Family Wellness Resources: What resources pertain to family health so that our children are well and attend school regularly?
2-1-1 Norcal Help Website
Shasta Community Health
Northern Valley Catholic Social Services
How sick is too sick for school?
Health and Human Services Resources
Far Northern Regional Services
*Parents: Contact your school counselor or admin. for more resources.
Attendance Myths Pre-K ~ 12th: Debunking the common myths about Pre-K through 12th grade attendance
English: Attendance Works Flyer Elem
Espanol: Attendance Works Flyer Elem
Hmong: Attendance Works Flyer Elem
School Attendance Myth Busted
MYTH: “A couple of days a month isn’t a big deal”
Keep Middle & High Schoolers on track
Espanol: Keep Middle & High on track
MYTH: “My child is always able to catch up on what he/she missed.”
Educ. Week Article on Chronic Ab.
Effects of Absenteeism
MYTH: “The beginning of the year is just review.”
Why Emphasise Sept. Att.
Improve School Culture: Students who feel physically and emotionally safe at school are more likely to attend regularly.
ASCD: Improv.School Culture
8 Ways Principals Can Build Sch.Culture
Using PBIS to Improve Culture
What practices does my school use to deal with social-emotional issues and conflicts?
CDE Social-Emotional Learning Page
Success Stories
Panorama Ed. Resources
Improve Engagement: Students who are engaged in their schools and in learning rarely miss class.
What are some barriers to student engagement in academics and campus life?
Naviance Report on Stu.Engage.
Edutopia: 10 Steps to Better Stu.Eng.
What are the most effective ways to engage the students and families of my school?
Panorama Ed. Resources
NEA 10 Tools to Eng. Parents
How many of students at my school are involved in at least one: music, sports, clubs, student gov’t., volunteering, drama, art, etc.?
Extracurricular & Stu. Eng.
How does my school support and promote student involvement?
4 Ways to Get Students Interested in Clubs
What are some classroom engagement strategies for teachers?
Ed. Hub: Top 12 Ways to Increase Stu. Partic.
Book: Engagement by Design by Fisher, Frey & Quaglia
How many of my students have and understad an educ. plan regarding college/career goals?
High Schools: Naviance
Middle Schools: Naviance
In what ways does my school include parent involvement and input?
Activities to Promote Parent Involvement
NEA Article: Parent Involvement
Resources for School Staff: What can I do as a staff member to promote, support and celebrate good attendance at every grade?
Shast Co. Ab. Summit Slide Deck
Attendance Works
Sample: My Child’s Attendance Success Plan
Data & Decision Making
Collecting and Using Att. Data
Book: The Make-or-Break Year (9th Grade)
Understanding Your Attendance Story
Book: School Leader’s Guide to Tackling Att. Chall.
Statewide Interactive Att. Map
CDC Article on Illness/Absences Link
Attendance Works (for teachers)
How Sick is Too Sick for School?
Book: Teacher’s Guide to Tackling Att. Chall.
Book: The Make-or-Break Year (9th Grade)
Early Educ. Providers
Attendance Works (early education)
Why Emphasize Sept. Att.?
Counselors & Nurses
Attendance Works for Prof. Student Support Staff
How Sick is Too Sick for School?
CDC Article on Illness/Absences Link
Book: The Make-or-Break Year (9th Grade)